Graffiti Artist

Graffiti & Street Art Inspiration

Graffiti Art Information And Education


What Is Graffiti Art?

When we think of graffiti, the first thing that often comes to our minds is vandals defacing property. However, graffiti can be a beautiful form of art. Done correctly and appropriately, works of graffiti can become works of art that will inspire and amaze people. Graffiti is often done with the use of spray paint from cans. However, some graffiti art work is done with the use of marker pens.

What Kind Of Graffiti Art Is There?

The kinds of graffiti art in the world as virtually limitless. You will find graffiti art expressing a political sentiment, emotion or issue. Other times you will find graffiti of a major character such as a politician or athlete. Graffiti can show people, places, objects or a combination of people and objects. Sometimes graffiti artwork will just have letters and text in colorful and creative formats.

Hiring Graffiti Artists

Did you know that many companies hire graffiti artist? Yes, this is a fact. Companies and businesses hire graffiti artists to create wall murals and other decorations for them. A graffiti wall mural is like a mural done with paint. The difference is that it is done with spray paint instead. Graffiti wall murals can be done on walls inside or outside buildings. Companies often use graffiti as a way to market their goods. Consider it like being an alternative to billboards.

Learning The Art Of Graffiti

Graffiti is an art form. Just messing around with spray point will not get you very far. You may be able to create a jumble of colors but that is it. Learning how to create real works of art with graffiti requires you to learn the nuances of the graffiti art form. There are many graffiti workshops done by professional graffiti artists. These workshops teach people how to create graffiti art. They start with the basics such as drawing and coloring with spray paint.